Welcome to the Unsung Adventures!

We are an FFXIV EU RP group who have chosen Balmung as our main server. Our focus is on travel, adventure and cultural RP, both in the 'overworld' and in the housings zones of various servers.If that sounds like a fun premise, or if you have your own initiative/idea that might work with ours, please join us on our Discord.Our main goal is to create more public RP that makes the world feel more alive, so we welcome a wide variety of initiatives. Our events cater mainly to the EU timezones, but people from other timezones are more than welcome to join in.While the Unsung started in Buscarron's Druthers in the Shroud, they now travel across Eorzea and beyond.After four years of mostly doing RP outside of the housing zones to try and promote public RP, we've eased up on that as our main focus a little. We have a very creative community in FFXIV and welcome those who've designed fun RP spaces in the housing zones as well as those that prefer to liven up the game world by being out and about in public spaces.


Campaigns: We have several active RP hosts/DMs who host their own RP events. Some of these are one-offs, others are long term campaigns. Most are beginner friendly, but you can always check in with the DM/host if you're looking for a hook for your character.

Socials: There are regular one-off events that are usually focused on social gatherings in various places that don't have an active DM to structure the RP narrative.More information: Our starting times are at 20:00 CET / 2 pm ET and we RP on Balmung unless otherwise specified. Join us on Discord for the latest news and updates.Other: We welcome events created by our members, but please keep in mind that we're not an advertisement Discord. Joining us just to advertise your own ventures with no connection to or interest in our community is not welcomed.

Current Campaign

The Lies That Lead Us

The Unsung's self-appointed healer, Charlette Bellamy, has contracted them to help her with an old task; retrieving a collection of powerful and dangerous spelltomes that were stolen from a library she once had guardianship over.She'd all but given-up on the chase and accepted her failure, until an unexpected lead presented itself. Perhaps, with trusted friends at her back, she can finally correct this mistake?Things are never that easy though, and half the Unsung were teleported to Kugane in the Far East while the others scrambled to catch up on the CETEA airship. When Charlette says a tome is dangerous, she is not joking around.The Unsung now find themselves in a land that is new and unfamiliar to most of them, hunting a dangerous illusionist in the hopes of catching them before they are turned into the hunted instead. Perhaps it is already too late.Interested in more detail? Check out the campaign's Carrd section below:

Previous stories - Years One and Two

The Regulars & The Pilgrimage

What began as a small group of adventurers taking on levequests from their makeshift base of operations in Buscarron’s Druthers evolved into a fully-fledged pilgrimage after the ‘Unsung’, as they came to be known, ran afoul of the Conjurer’s Fane during the course of their meddling investigations.Embarking on this lengthy journey, the group traveled the breadth of Eorzea at the behest of the Immortal Flames of Ul’dah—an unusual patron for their venture—to visit each of the Guardian Stones. There, they assisted locals with their struggles, explored the lands, and paid their respects to the deities that presided over each region.The culmination of all their labour involved a revelation that changed the way the tempered ones, those in the thrall of the primal gods, were dealt with, and the freeing of a certain tribe of Viper miqo’te from the yoke of a twisted god they had helped call into being Twelvesmoons ago. Though long since torn from the realm, Her influence remained until the band excised the last vestiges of it.Interested in more detail? Check out the montly newsletter that ran throughout this campain below:

Previous stories - Years Three and Four

Empire's Embers

Hydaelyn continued to turn, and the Unsung came together again to face the challenges of a new dawn.Their old levemete Sven Cloudwrath had long since stepped down to captain the CETEA airship with his long lost wife Adra, but when the latter went missing he called upon his old comrades.With is came the revealing of a long-kept secret: both Adra and Sven were Garlean. As rumours of civic unrest in their homeland reached them, the headstrong Adra decided to travel there by herself to find out what happened to her family.The adventurers traveled there aboard the CETEA and saw first-hand the destruction of the Garlean capital.Interested in what happened to them there? Check out the campaign's Carrd below:

OOC Information

Hello and thank you for taking the time to look over the information of this RP initiative. We're always looking for more people to RP with, so here is some OOC info that might be handy to know if you'd like to join in.

RP Themes & Goals

The Unsung are an adventuring group with a focus on travel, adventure, and cultural RP.Our Hosts/DMs design campaigns and events that are mostly suitable for 'regular' adventurers and use a mixture of the 'overworld' and housing zones to bring their stories to life.Everyone is welcome at our pop-up RP and events, though we do expect people to be considerate and respectful to other players and to keep our themes in mind.


We're always looking for people that love to initiate RP, either by hosting or joining events or simply by starting some pop-up RP.Unless otherwise stated our events are on Balmung, but we are open to joining RP created by other people on other Crystal servers. Though RP out in the world is still our main focus, we also welcome the RP spaces creatively made in the housing zones.


Since our theme centers around average adventurers, we don't tend to RP our characters in the midst of the MSQ events. That said, we do want to acknowledge the things that regular people in Eorzea will notice or have heard about.Please keep this in mind when you join us, especially if you yourself RP pre or post Dawntrail, or haven't finished the MSQ yet. While we don't get into the details of the MSQ, we can't exactly call ourselves an entirely spoiler-free group either.As Dawntrail so far does not seem to radically alter what life is like in Eorzea we currently treat the events of the MSQ as something that has happened in a faraway land that hasn't reached most of the average people on that continent yet.We're awaiting future story patches to see if this will change and adjust accordingly. For the most current overview of where we are on the timeline, join us on Discord.

Code of Conduct

Our rules are simple, don't be a jerk, don't be a creep, respect the lore and each others preferences and RP styles.
With all that said, we often RP in public places and it is not up to us to try and tell people how to conduct themselves if they're not part of this initiative. Please adopt a 'live and let live' attitude towards those with different styles of RP both in an outside of this group. As long as people aren't disruptive, they have just as much right to be there as anyone else.


TIME ZONE: Our focus is on Central Europe, 6 hours ahead of ET/EDT. People from other time zones are more than welcome to join us, but please do keep in mind that most of our events will take place during hours that are friendly for the EU.PLATFORM: Most of our group RP is done in-game, but we've recently added an RP forum on our Discord as well. There is room there to share short tidbits about what their characters get up to in between events. This way you can add to the feel of the place even when you're too busy to be in the game.

Event etiquette

We've set up some guidelines around attending events, so we have a baseline on the kind of behavior we find most helpful. These count mostly for scripted events that make use of DMs, and not so much for freeform gatherings.BE ON TIME
Please be on time when attending an event, and if you’ve signed up, please show up. Life happens, we know that, but try and let the DM/Host know if you can’t make it or are running late.
While we adopt a live-and-let-live attitude to differences in styles and preferred themes, we ask that people keep the more outlandish aspects of their characters private in Unsung events. The Unsung are 'regular' adventurers, and our DMs take this into account when designing encounters for the group.

Do not bring extra characters with you unless you have cleared this with the DM. Handling a certain number of players can be hectic enough without the number doubling due to things like pets/extra companions played by one person. The same thing counts for bringing in other player friends from outside the Discord - please clear it with the DM so they don’t get overburdened.
Respect a DMs decision if they refuse to play around a certain character or theme. They are entitled to their preferences just like anyone else. Unless otherwise stated, all characters must be IC adults to join.
Some DMs might post warnings or 'vibe checks' for their events, for example if there's a high risk of injury or if there’s certain themes that may not work well for everyone (like horror/violence). Keep these warnings in mind. If an event crosses into something that you find unpleasant or uncomfortable, please walk away from it. Take feedback to an admin/the DM after the event has ended when needed.

Discord rules

The following rules are the ones we maintain on our Discord, and we hope that people keep them in mind during RP in FFXIV as well.RULE #1: RESPECT EACH OTHER & THE SERVER
Always be respectful of one another and the goal of this server, which is create RP together. Do not fall into the trap of naming & shaming, it will not be tolerated in any way. If someone isn't comfortable with an RP scene, let them leave it without hassle. If you have a quarrel with another person on the server and you can't work it out together, you may bring it to an Admin, but do note that we do NOT take sides in personal arguments.
While we believe anyone should be able to RP what they like, there is a time and a place. Please be respectful to the lore preferences of other players and do not force 'out there' or 'high' concepts on others without their consent.
The Unsung are themed around a 'regular' group of adventurers when it comes to their notoriety, skills, and political sway. While individual characters may hold more or less power we ask that everyone keeps this theme in mind when joining our RP. If you are in doubt about whether or not a theme/character fits, feel free to discuss it on Discord.
On the flip side of that, we often RP in public and lore bending WILL happen, if not by us than by other people with no affiliation to this initiative. We try to adopt a 'live and let live' attitude as long as things are not disruptive.

We expect a certain level of maturity in our Discord, and part of that is knowing what is and isn't appropriate in public channels. While darker themed events and RP interactions are allowed and encouraged, overly explicit or sexually focused events are not.
This Discord is also NOT for sharing/discussing media containing nudity, sexual acts, or excessive amounts of violence. We have a 'don't ask, don't tell' attitude towards activities that could get people's accounts banned, like modding. This game is rated Teen, so there will be minors around, even if our Discord itself is 18+. Keep that in mind and act accordingly in public RP. What you do in private is, of course, not our concern.RULE #4 ACTIVITY
We appreciate proactive people who understand that making events happen takes a lot of time and effort, so be kind to our initiators and hosts, share your feedback, and don't be shy about trying to initiate some RP yourself.
Fun is mandatory, please comply ;)

RP Locations

There are several RP locations that we make regular use of. Please note that this section is a WIP, so not all our regular locations have been added yet.

The Derelict

The Tale
There are as many tales about the Derelict as there are Sky Pirate crews that know of it, most of which almost too fanciful to be believed, not to mention contradictory. Here are the facts: the Derelict looks more like a sea vessel than any modern Eorzean or Garlean Sky Ship, and seems to be quite ancient. We don’t know how it maintains its position, what fuels it, who its crew was or what happened to them. Any expeditions into the depths of the ship, where we think the engines would be, have met with failure.
No one dares lay claim to it. Some say it’s simply not worth the effort, others fear it curses any who try. Over the many Twelvemoons since its discovery it has become a meeting place instead, and some have even made it their home and work tirelessly to maintain it as best they can. Sky Pirate crews of any creed can come to this neutral place to eat, drink, and make merry with those that might be rival or foe any other time. It is here where alliances are made, and jobs distributed. Perhaps some might call it the sky’s very own Adventurer’s Guild.

The main currency on the Derelict is not gil though, nor is it ale or even information. Nay, what people cherish above all else are stories. Daring tales both true and false. As long as they entertain, they will give a crew the standing and respect they need to be included in the good hunts. Perhaps even enough for that treasure map, the one that shady lalafell with the eyepatch sold you, to actually be real.So come, join us on the Derelict and share your Tall Tale. Make it a good one, and you may be rewarded.OOC
The Derelict itself is an abandoned sky ship in an unspecified location in the sky, but in-game we use the ship in Wolves' Den Pier (where you PvP) as a stand-in.
We RP on the top deck, where a crew of NPCs serves drinks and food. This location is reachable by airship only, but the Unsung can always hitch a ride on the CETEA. We will be on Balmung unless otherwise specified.

Unsung Aventures Newsletter 2021

The old newsletter for the Unsung, archived here for the nostalgia of it.
Click on the image or buttons below to read the full issue.
Made with the help of people on our Discord.

Unsung Screenshots

A collection of Unsung Screenshots

Campaign: The Lies That Lead Us

The Unsung's self-appointed healer, Charlette Bellamy, has contracted them to help her with an old task; retrieving a collection of powerful and dangerous spelltomes that were stolen from a library she once had guardianship over.She'd all but given-up on the chase and accepted her failure, until an unexpected lead presented itself. Perhaps, with trusted friends at her back, she can finally correct this mistake?Things are never that easy though, and half the Unsung were teleported to Kugane in the Far East while the others scrambled to catch up on the CETEA airship. When Charlette says a tome is dangerous, she is not joking around.The Unsung now find themselves in a land that is new and unfamiliar to most of them, hunting a dangerous illusionist in the hopes of catching them before they are turned into the hunted instead. Perhaps it is already too late.


Below is some information on the different clans and people the Unsung have met so far, including information on their Quarry, and different locations they've visited.

Summaries & Logs

Event summaries and logs will be made available on both Discord and on the page below.

The Ox Clan

Emblem: A praying black ox in a circular, desert yellow holding shape
Leader: Ozhuru ‘The Ironblooded’
Clan Colours: Yellow, often supplemented with black
The Ox Clan is the most numerous of the Yakuza families in the Northern District of Kugane. Well organized and possessing a degree of hierarchy, the Ox still functions and considers itself more of a ‘family’ than anything else. Every member has a motivation for being willfully aligned with a brutal-sect of society, ranging from being a social outcast with no other prospects, to a genuine love for violence and chaos.They are the most face-value of the clans and possess the most and best trained fighters. Easy to find, easy to talk to and very simple to do business with. However, they are firm in sticking to their guns and not being convinced to expand their horizons beyond ‘Might makes right’.

The Quarry

An illusionist with exceptional skill and a destructive ambition has attacked the Unsung and Castaways. All in the effort to steal a powerful, dangerous tome of magical knowledge: The Fae King’s Poetry. It is essential that they capture this thief and retrieve the book, but that’s easier said than done.


Address/Location: Open-world location, Kugane city (Stormblood expansion).
Affiliation: Hingashi is a Far Eastern archipelago off the coast of Othard.
Summary: Kugane is an Hingashi port town and currently the only one of their ports open to foreign vessels. The Unsung have reason to believe that their quarry is active in the city, and so it serves as the main point of interest in their search to find them.

Fuku's Shoppe WIP

Address/Location: Lavender Beds, Ward 23, Plot 53, Balmung
Affiliation: Several Yakuza clans, like the Ox Clan
Summary: Fuku the fence is dead. But his store remains and was of some interest to the illusionist. Stuffed to the nines with all manner of illegally gained or illegal to sell items and produce. It remains open to the Unsung for investigation and under the protection of the Ox, perhaps whatever passed through these four walls could lead us to our quarry?

The Ox Dojo

Address/Location: Lavender Beds, Ward 29, Lily Hills Room #12, Balmung
Affiliation: The Ox Clan
Summary: An old, but lovingly maintained icon of Hinegashi martial history, the Ox Dojo is one of the last of its kind in the Northern District and plays host to the Clan that named itself after the building.Several stories high, with an open mat for sparring and practice, there are rooms enough for the Ox Clan to both live and conduct business within. The Unsung and Castaways are welcome visitors to this place.


Address/Location: WIP
Affiliation: The Dreadstorm Castaways and the Unsung
Summary: The airship that the Unsung and Castaways came to Kugane on. It serves as a main base of operation and a home away from home. The ship is currently on high alert and wary of the Illusionist.

The Ox Clan - Interests

  • Fuku the fence, has been killed. The Ox Clan dealt rather closely with the man, and his shop was located in their territory. The Clan has an invested interest in finding out who caused his death and why. They have temporarily taken over his shop, but only intend to protect it from thieves and looters until the investigations by the Unsung and Castaways are completed.

  • Ozhuru, the Clan Leader of the Ox, invited the Unsung for a meeting to test the skills of each group and form a Blood Pact with their perceived leader, Levemete Cain Locke. During the event he expressed concern for the destabilization of the relationships between the three major Yakuza families of Kugane’s Northern District. He wishes to maintain equilibrium.

  • The Meat Market, a highly important function that is run each year by one of the major families, has been indicated as a possible target for the Illusionist. It is the Ox Clan’s turn to host this year and Ozhuru has offered for the Unsung and Castaways to attend, and possibly confront, their quarry here.


Clan Leader of the Ox, Ozhuru has three major qualities to him: A dignified calm, a well-aged appearance and an utterly massive size. Potentially one of biggest, if not the biggest, au ra in the city he stands well above most people. Despite his imposing size, Ozhuru has shown himself to be compassionate, careful and dedicated to his vision for the clan: A place for exiles and outcasts to obtain a second chance. However, he is also the founder of a clan that trains and trades in physical violence. ‘Might makes right’ is as much at the core of him as his family.

Leader of the Ox Clan
Masculine (he/him)
Xaela Au Ra
Blue skin, black scales
Grey hair with yellow streaks
Red eyes


Acting as the main liaison for the Unsung and Castaways, Touma is the friendliest face in the Ox Clan. An old acquaintance of Charlette and Redgar, he is very familiar with how the adventurers work, and deals easily with foreigners. Not quite as massive as his clan leader, he nonetheless stands well above most in size. He is loyal to the Clan, believes in their way of life, but is also the most curious about the world outside the city, and these adventurers who have come to cause all this intriguing trouble.

Contact for the Ox Clan
Masculine (he/him)
Xaela Au Ra
Light blue, black scales
Black hair with red streaks
Pale yellow eyes


A small, au ra woman, Quiet is the opposite of Touma and Ozhuru. Non-verbal, but also possessed of a silent step and a talent for disappearing from view, she has gained a reputation amongst her clan for being unpredictable. In a fight, she deals more in quick-ends than protracted violence, but still finds ways to posture with the best of the Ox. She has a bad habit of staring though, her bright eyes rarely leaving and hardly blinking when they lock-on to someone… interesting.

Ox Clan Watcher
Feminine (she/her)
Xaela Au Ra
Blue skin, black scales
White hair
Pale eyes that seem to glow


Every posse needs its Mad Dog, and Birdy was born for this life. A pugilist with a love for bloody-bouts and bellowing, the man is a newcomer to the Ox Clan and has already made himself infamous. Often the firestarter for a fight, there is very little obscenity or indignation he will not wield or weather for another moment in the brawl. Nothing puts Birdy down, win or lose, beaten, bloody or broken, he loves it all. And yes, he gets his name for throwing ‘The Bird’ a lot.

Ox Clan Pugilist
Masculine (he/him)
Midlander Hyur
White skin
Bald head
Blue eyes

The Quarry - Interests

  • The illusionist showed a particular hatred for Charlette Bellamy, the unofficial healer of the Unsung and official Chief Medical Officer of the CETEA. They made an attempt on her life, stole a tome she needed to free herself of a binding, magical Oath and has since been trying to destroy the reputations of her, and those she loves since.

  • Redgar Ashten, the Unsung's resident ‘cutter’ has been the illusionists first victim since obtaining the book. He’s been replicated and his illusory copy has already made an attempt on one life, and will undoubtedly be put to this purpose again. Why they chose him first, is still unknown. Perhaps due to him being a known quantity among Kugane’s less reputable?

  • The illusionist made an attack on Fuku the fence, a local trader in stolen and illegal goods. A well liked and important part of the underworld ecosystem of Kugane’s Northern District. According to Torrid, the only witness of the attack, the Redgar copy was after Petrification Potions.

  • It has come to light through a meeting with the Ox Clan, that the illusionist has made another copy. An as-yet to be named member of the clan is suffering the same fate as Redgar, the fading influence of The Fae King’s Poetry. The Clan leader Ozhuru promised to explain further in a future meeting with Levemete Cain Locke.

  • Torrid Autumn, niece of Hungry Boar, an acquaintance of the Unsung and Castaways was caught-up in the attack on Fuku’s shop. After being freed from the effects of a petrification potion, she revealed that she was in the city to find a thurible, an important artifact from her home village. The item was supposed to be in Fuku’s store, but is missing and it’s possible the Redgar copy took it.

The Quarry - Evidence

  • The book they have put so much effort into stealing, is The Fae King’s Poetry. Less dramatically, it is a spell tome that contains extremely powerful, but tremendously dangerous illusionary techniques. According to Charlette, a former guardian of the Archive the book was stolen from, it allows the user to create near-perfect copies of people. Almost impossible to discern from the original and completely under the casters control, supposedly. This comes at a terrible cost however, as the existence of a copy will slowly sap the ‘reality’ from the original. Emptying of all detail that makes them look, sound and feel like ‘them’. The end result, is a blank vessel, and whatever that is Charlette is insistent we do not wait to find out.

  • Torrid’s thurible, an ancient artifact that according to her is used during rituals to prevent a graveyard her people tend to from producing Ashkin. It may have been stolen by the illusionist, but what they would want with it is hard to say at the moment.

  • A small key for the Golden Saucer was found amongst the brick-a-brack strewn across Fuku’s store during the attack. It could be nothing? Or maybe Osric’s tendency to snatch-up random objects has a reason to it?

  • The auracite dagger used to stab Charlette and control her magic during the attack was retrieved and contained on the ship. It is currently in a box in the infirmary, though if it can provide any clues is yet to be seen. It’s a sharp, stiletto-like blade made of auracite fixed into a handle that is designed to be refitted. Seems these daggers are prone to snapping.

Charlette Bellamy

Affiliation: The Unsung, The Castaways (CETEA crew), The Archive
Charlette was stabbed during the theft of the Tome. It seemed to be personal, and she has been quite shaken with the event.

Unsung & Dreadstorm Castaways
Feminine (she/her)
Duskwight Elezen
Healer, skilled with barriers
Blue-grey skin, red eyes
Green hair
Magical Oath against violence

Cillenne Rose

Affiliation: Dreadstorm Castaways
Cillene's likeness was used to get close enough to Charlette to stab her and steal the book. They were also targeted in an illusionary trap, and has decided to leave the mission for now out of fear for the safety of their crew and friends.

Dreadstorm Castaway Illusionist
Non-binary (they/them)
Is usually glamoured, so the details of their appearance can vary

Redgar Ashten

Affiliation: The Unsung, the Ox Clan
Red's visage was used during an attack on an Ox Clan fence. He has history with the Ox Caln, and is known among them as the Crimson Fang. His crimson has left him since then, as his hair turned grey as a side-effect of the illusion magic.

Masculine (he/him)
Fights with blades
Tanned skin, blue eyes
Used to have red hair
Hair turned grey


Affiliation: None
Torrid was attacked by Red's clone in Fuku's shop. It didn't seem like she had anything to do with it, nor was she a target. Is this a case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time?

Free agent
Feminine (she/her)
Red skin, lavender eyes
Ginger hair

Red lost his redness... what will YOU lose?

We are up against an Illusionist with an incredibly powerful magical book at their disposal. The Unsung have already found out that it can create 'perfect' copies of their own people, and that his has severe consequences for the person being copied.Therefor we want to check in with people's comfort levels and make you all aware of what these consequences may be. There will a poll in our Discord but the details were getting a bit too wordy, so we have them here for you to peruse.Please keep in mind that you can change your mind at any moment. Just contact the main DM (Okrea) in DMs.

What does it mean, to be a target of the illusionist?

Welp, it's not good. But it could be FUN! It means that there is a 'perfect' copy of your character out there, doing stuff on the orders of what seems to be a bit of a gremlin. The consequences of this can be:

  • Said copy ruining relationships and reputations by acting out as your character in circles where they are trusted

  • Their visage being used to commit crimes of varying severity, and connecting those acts back to the original

  • Their abilities, powers and connections being used against the Unsung and Castaways. Sneaking on the CETEA, tricking a fellow Unsung or Castaway or just outright attacking the group

  • Okrea is open to working out specifics as well, and welcomes you all to get creative about the STONES we throw at our characters whilst they try to get out of that TREE

All of these sound pretty rough, right? Well, no worries, you can pick and choose what you'd be comfortable with. And it's 100% okay to say no to all of the above. Okrea is not here to destroy your character, beat you at the game or have their BBEG win. This is intended as an avenue for consensual angst generation.

What happens to the original when they are copied?

According to Charlette's records on the 'Fae King's Poetry'; when someone is being copied, each time said copy is recreated a piece of their 'reality' is stripped from them. It's unknown if this is fuel in some way, a cruel machination of a magic constructed by a vindictive entity, or just a consequence of messing with things we don't understand. Either way, it sucks! Hopefully in a fun way.The most your character will lose is aesthetics and minor memories (unless you want something more extreme). Okrea does not intend to strip them of their individual powers, nor their agency, but of course the extent of it can be discussed! Some examples are:

  • Losing part of their appearance. Hair colour, eye colour, tattoos, scars, scales, fur patterns. Eventually, if it gets bad enough, things like eyes, ears, fingers and the like can also go (this will not be done without express permission).

  • Memories can be stripped. Forgetting people, places, events and eventually themselves (in extreme cases). It siphons off not just how you appear, but who you are as well.

  • Okrea is also open to discussing specifics, if people would like to come-up with their own PAIN and ANGUISH.

According to the records Charlette can share about the book, the ultimate fate is to have all of a person stripped. She's never seen it before, so cannot confirm for sure, but will share that there was mention of becoming a 'mannequin' like thing. Blank of all personhood, within and without.NEAT!

How do you communicate your limits?

First and foremost, Okrea's DMs are fully open for anyone. They will happily discuss specifics and will not make any moves until you are fully comfortable with this. If you would rather opt-out of this particular campaign mechanic, that is 100% valid. This is potentially heavy stuff.As mentioned above, there will also be a poll on Discord that you can react to. No DMs needed! Unless you pick the option with DMs, of course.For those of you that are happy to have Okrea throw things at your character, surprise you and just do their worst, that's fine too! Okrea has their own limits, and they are fairly tame. They are not going to put your character's adoptive parents in a blender and make them watch, promise.If you are unsure about ANYTHING please speak to Okrea first. It's the best way to avoid them ruining your evening by accident.This is meant to be for fun, to add stakes to the entire campaign and help motivate our beloved adventurers and crew to GET THAT TRICKSTER. If there are any questions, please ask, Okrea is here to help.

Summaries & Logs

A summary of the big events. Logs will be added at a later date.

Summary of Event 1

It was meant to start with just a briefing…The Unsung were called together on the Cetea by the new leve. Gathered in the meeting hall of the ship, Charlette finally revealed an uncomfortable truth; she was a failure, and her Oath of Pacifism was a punishment for it. A magically binding expectation placed on her by the Archive she served, designed to keep her motivated in her search for a series of lost tomes. But a stroke of luck had landed, and one of the crates containing a tome was found in the most unlikely of places’ the Sky Pirate haven of The Derelict.During the briefing, the crate was opened and the book was revealed, The Fae King’s Poetry. A compendium of incredible, but destructive illusion magic, meant to be kept safe in the Archive. But celebrations and excitement was cut short, as a traitor was amongst them. Cillenne attacked Charlette, stabbing her with a mysterious dagger that forced her to create a barrier and keep the Unsung from intervening as they stole the book and ran into the Cetea.The barrier was destroyed, a chase ensued through the maze of the ship. Illusory traps and tricks left by the thief later revealed that Cillenne had been impersonated, the real one being found… in a fairly compromising, but bound, state. Finally coming to an end in the Mana Cutter Hangar. Despite a great effort, the thief was able to escape using a small aethryte-like construct, severely damaging the Hangar and injuring many.Though the Unsung had been evaded, a ‘homebase’ invaded and a great boon lost, one thing seems to have stuck with the group: This will not stand…

Summary of Event 2

Breakthroughs, breakdowns and broken hingan.Well, they did it! It might have taken a little more of the Unsung's collective ingenuity, and casual disregard for safety protocols, but they had found their first lead!Cain and Senca's research and reconstruction on the small aetheryte, combined with Celica, Gale and Lia's theory put into practice, paid dividends. Even if it resulted in the device's second malfunction, and the sudden and accidental teleportation of several people to the city of Kugane.Not the smoothest of landings, those that had been sent forward arrived with more of a thud than a flourish. The quick intervention of locals, moderately helpful Sekiseigumi and the more Hingan-versed Unsung got them back on their feet. And Yoki carried-off to the East Aldenard Trading Company's local HQ. Probably?Back on the Cetea, Captain Cloudwrath and the rest of the Cetea crew set course for Kugane. They had some lost adventurers and at least two crew members to recover. But the trip will take some time. Time that could be used to set down a home base, or even start the search...

Summary of Event 3

Yellow, Red and Grey.The CETEA has finally arrived in Kugane. The Unsung are reunited and the lost Castaway is found, with a rather big hug too. There was not much time for celebration though as the group's resident ‘Underworld’ expert Redgar and current Patron Charlette had organized a meeting.The Ox Clan, a well known Yakuza family that operates in the city are, apparently, old friends of the duo. Perhaps a bit of a shock to some, but they had little time to get over it. Touma, one of the Ox and a known friend, arrives to give the Unsung their first taste of the Clan. Buckle does his best, Imogen does her worst, Opal does a bit of both. It goes well, and the Unsung get their first chance to make a real ally in the hunt: Find the Fence Fuku.It’s rare for Fuku to ever miss a deadline, rare still for him to make no contact. Now the Ox need one of their own to check it out. Luckily, Redgar is a member in need of reasserting his ‘loyalties’. They’re led to a warehouse in the Northern district of the city, to the fence’s makeshift store and a grizzly scene.The store seems empty, but signs littered across it give away the truth; it has recently played host to a fight. The talented, um, ‘finder’ of the group Osric discovers the latch to a doorway concealed behind a bookcase, how common, which led to a hidden basement. It’s there that they find Fuku. Seemingly choked to death by the statue of a Roegadyn. Lucky him, it’s hardly an ignoble way to go out.With the help of a booklet found by Yoki, making good use of her unique low-vantage point, the Unsung discover the purpose of this place. Fuku was running an illegal alchemy lab producing poisons, banned potions and more specifically his self-titled ‘Special’;
a petrification draught that will turn flesh to stone on contact.
Celica and Gale realize the statue, or rather the petrified person, is Torrid Autumn. Niece to Hungry Boar, a friend of the Unsung. After careful searching they find the antidote to her condition and free her. Imogen’s interrogation pushes the panic and confused hellsguard into revealing what happened.Torrid had walked-in on the Unsung’s very own Redgar attacking Fuku. It was him that cracked a petrification draught over her head. He caused her to panic and grab the alchemist. But she was turned before she could loosen her grip, resulting in the end of his life. Enraged by the fact, she attacks Redgar, but is stopped.…just before Redgar’s crimson locks slowly bleed all their colour, turning an ashen gray and confirming two truths: The Illusionist has started to use the book, and Red was the first they copied.

Summary of Event 4

Give blood, take blood.The Unsung and Castaways had earned a meeting with the leader of the Ox Clan. Ozhuru 'Ironblooded' Tekketsu wished to see these newcomers bringing trouble, and maybe solutions, to his District.The location was one of the last dojos left in the Northern District of Kugane. Sandwiched between warehouses, it's a small piece of Hinegashi martial culture that's stood its ground stubbornly. As do the people that call it home. Inside the clan gathered around the mat, waiting to be impressed.Levemete Cain Locke was seated with Ozhuru himself. The leaders chose fighters from their sides to pit against each other. Gale was the first to stand for the Unsung against the Ox's Mad Dog Birdy. Wolf fought Hound, but just before it could get bloody and unhinged it was called.Second was Quiet, the Ox's silent observer, and Celica the fight-fiend. They went toe-to-toe, but a kick that sent Quiet flying, and into a hissing rage, put the win in the hands of the redheaded Miqo'te. And earned her the focused gaze of Quiet's bright-eyes for the rest of the evening.Finally, Ozhuru threw a twist into the works and called on his 'Fang', Redgar's name amongst the Clan, to meet Luca the newcomer on the mat. A symbol of the deeper connection that already existed between the two factions. It was a furious, but friendly bout, that ended with... something-something butt blaster?However, this was not just about martial display. Ozhuru had business to discuss between fights with Cain. The Ox Clan had been hit by the illusionist too, one of their own was fading long before Redgar's hair greyed, and they are desperate for a solution.Ozhuru believes he knows what the illusionist's next target will be, and he proposed the two factions work together to catch them in the act. Palms were cut, hands joined and a blood pact was formed. The Unsung and Castaways are going to the The Meat Market.